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A. A. Con objeto de garantizar la mayor seguridad, les informamos que las jornadas de vuelo de las tripulaciones, se han determinado conforme a las regulaciones nacionales e internacionales para evitar condiciones de fatiga en los pilotos. B. Las limitaciones de equipaje.
Estos se refieren a cualquier objeto con la capacidad o posibilidad aparente de causar una herida, a través de cortes o punzaciones mediante bordes afilados o descarga de un proyectil. Ejemplos: Armas de fuego, navajas, cuchillos, municiones, por mencionar algunos.
Todo objeto o sustancia que al ser transportados pueda constituir un riesgo para la salud, la seguridad, los bienes o el medio ambiente. Ejemplos: Acetona, peróxido, baterías de litio, hielo seco, sustancias infecciosas, pólvora, fuegos artificiales, entre otros.
C. Limitaciones de la selección de aeropuertos y helipuertos. D. Generalidades técnicas de la aeronave. E. Consideraciones meteorológicas. F. Consideraciones del servicio a bordo. G. Condiciones sanitarias y de salud. H. El transporte a menores de edad quedará sujeto a las políticas de Avemex y regulaciones aplicables.
¿Quiénes somos? |
AVEMEX SA de CV, con domicilio en Calle 4, Hangar 14, Lote 35, Colonia San Pedro Totoltepec, Municipio Toluca, C.P. 50226, en la Entidad de Edo. de México, país México, y portal de internet, es el responsable del uso y protección de sus datos personales. |
¿Dónde puedo consultar el aviso de privacidad integral? |
Para conocer más información sobre los términos y condiciones en que serán tratados sus datos personales; así como los terceros con quienes compartimos su información personal y la forma en que podrá ejercer sus derechos ARCO. Puede consultar el aviso de privacidad integral en: |
The Wingman Audit is WYVERN’s proprietary audit standard in conjunction with our signature membership. It is considered one of the most reputable and recognized standards in the aviation industry. Going above and beyond regulations, the Wingman Standard is defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for Operation of Aircraft and Safety Management. |
IS-BAO Stage II Certified: A code deemed by the International Business Aviation Council to be the best practices designed for achieving high levels of safety and professionalism for business aircraft operations. |
ARGUS is recognized around the world as a standard of excellence. ARGUS qualified operators are continuously monitored for their safety and training to ensure our operators are known as the best in the aviation industry. |
The foundation leads and supports the advancement of the highest safety standards available to allow the business, charter and fractional ownership industry to offer the safest air transportation products in the world and to provide objective information about these standards and services to the public. |
We are a company that currently has SMS (Safety Management System) certification by the AFAC (Federal Civil Aviation Agency), since we complied with the provisions of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-064-SCT3-2012. |
We are a company that celebrates 40 years of experience as a leader in the private aviation industry in Mexico. We offer a complete catalog of aeronautical services:
Committed to the strictest international quality standards, we provide a highly trained crew and certifications in security and customer service The recognition we have in the international corporate aviation industry has allowed us to be an ally of the most prestigious brands of the industry, such as: Universal Weather & Aviation, Inc., since 2002 in ground support services: handling, guard, pension and FBO; and exclusive representatives of Honda Aircraft Co. and Quest Aircraft Co. in Mexico. Today, "keep flying" in the hands of all who have trusted us during this time. Thanks for the shared flight hours.